Tuesday, November 25, 2014

running newbies

so you want to be a runner, or are thinking about it, or even know a guy who knows a guy who is thinking about it.  well, if I cant talk you out of it, at least I can give you some advice.  First of all, if your a wimp, maybe speed walking is more your thing.  Its an olympic sport now so go ahead and knock yourself out you speedy walker.  Also, if you cant handle the elements ( wind, rain, scorching heat, tornados, blizzards) you may want to consider an inside sport like elliptical riding or knitting ( both are equally boring).  One more thing, if you enjoy being pain free for times outside of a workout, just go take a nap because running has a high likelihood of injury and if you aren't willing to pay your dues with shin splints, you will never be a true racer.
No? you still want to run?  fantastic!  you wont regret this decision ( haha jk you'll regret it every time you run but the rewards will greatly outweigh this feeling soon enough).  

here are a few grievances of newbies and ways to combat them:
1.  It's hard
yeah.  Even to the trained, its hard.  and guess what, it doesnt get any easier but good news, you'll get stronger and soon that 3 miles wont feel like death anymore.  Hang it there, and by all means, starting slow is not a bad thing!

2.  you're slow
You probably are.  And thats ok.  I start every running season slow as a turtle so you're not alone.  Everyone has to start somewhere, even the greats dont start their season at PR pace.  Being slow is all part of the process and is essential to peaking at the right time ( just in time for your race you reluctantly signed up for!)

3. its boring
see, I have never had this as a problem but people tell me they struggle with this.  I listen to music, I find songs with a high BPM ( beats per minute) rate.  slow love songs are going to be the death of you on long runs, trust me.  some people listen to books, some enjoy  the shuffle of pandora and some like the quiet.   try some of these to see what works.  If its still boring, try changing up your routes, I dont suggest running the same one over and over.  Make it a new adventure to find new places to run.

For more advice on training, including my own training plan, contact me and i'll be happy to help you!

happy runnings :D


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