Friday, August 18, 2017

You made the mess

I like to write about things I'm passionate about and boy oh boy does this make me feel a sort of way!  Accountability my friends, has gotten lost somewhere in the 90's and hasn't shown its face since.  Corbin and I talk about this ALL the time because it seems like everyday we run into a problem where someone didn't hold up their end of a deal and we have to suffer the consequences.

Let's go back to when we all used to call each other back.  Now I know I'm quite terrible at this sometimes (sorry Jo) but we're talking about when we were kids and the phone rang on the wall.  you're older sibling answered it, shocked you were getting a phone call and not them, and they gave it to you.  Your friend wanted to play, you didn't really want to because your family just set up the trampoline for the summer and you wanted that bad boy all to yourself.  Luckily your mom is gone and so you have an excuse, "I have to ask my mom", you say, "I'll call you back when she gets home".  Now, the easy thing to do would be to go out and jump on that trampoline pretending you were Zena princess warrior for hours and not call your friend...but you do, you DO call them back because you were taught it was rude to leave someone hanging like that.

Then It was Jr. High and you left your super important history assignment at home.  You freak out for a minute but then remember you have history after lunch and you can call your mom on the school pay phone and ask her to bring it to you. "I'm saved!" you tell your friends.  You take our your quarters and give your mom a call.  Through the loud noise that is Jr High kids at lunch you hear her say, "sorry, you should have put it in your backpack last night so you wouldn't forget".  And that's that, you're not saved.  You bring it the next day and get 10 points taken off and you're mad at your mom but deep down inside you know its your own fault.

Now you're an adult and problems are bigger and scarier than ever but guess what, if you make a mistake or just want to refuse to deal with something, you can always blame someone else and hide!! RIGHT???  This is such a problem!  have you heard these before?: "its the governments fault", "I'll just use my credit card", "I'm just so busy that i dont have time to be healthy", "sorry I didnt make it, was that last night?"

We hear about this being the privileged generation, guess where that comes from?  Not showing by example or teaching correctly the principals of accountability.  Mean what you say, keep obligations, answer for yourself.  You made the mess, not anyone else.