Thursday, November 8, 2012

Secret fan club

You're sitting in the car with this new friend you’re still trying to impress when the titanic song comes on the radio, they quickly  change the channel while in your head you've already started singing: “ near far, where eeeeeeevvver you are!!!”  You're in the room by yourself and you start watching your brothers favorite show when all of a sudden he walks in and you hurriedly change the channel.  Your laundry gets switched with someone’s and in a desperate act ( you’re completely out of your own) you decide to wear that really ugly sweater but holy crap…. Its comfy. 
You are in a secret fan club.  Something you enjoy isn't exactly the most popular thing/ you don’t want anyone to know that you like it.  Its fine, take a deep breath because everyone is a part of a secret fan club, we just don’t talk about it.  For example, my dads music, I grew up with it and complained a million times that I wanted to rather listen to the backstreet boys but noooo bee gees it was.  All of a sudden I find myself with my own Bread Pandora station. Goodness, if he ever found out I’d die of embarrassment.  I also, believe it or not, use to collect apple stickers.  I kept them at work and when my boss found them one day and asked me if they were mine I gave him the ‘No way!’ look.  Right now, I’m quite fond of listening to poems written by Edgar Allan Poe.  Something about chaining someone up and building a brick wall around them is so interesting to me!  Odd? Yes.  Heidi does what she wants. 
How many times do we deny ourselves!? “No I don't like knitting. No I don't watch the real housewives of New Jersey.  No I don’t dong pick my nose.  No I don’t have a My Little Pony poster on my wall.  No I don’t like to wear my pants really high…..
Free yourself!!  Now, more than ever, people accept people.  Tell someone what you like! Maybe they’ll are in the secret fan club too J

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I’m excited about this.  I’ve loved writing since elementary school when I had to enter a scary story contest for an assignment.  My teacher loved it and the praise she gave me spurred my interest in writing more and more things for people.  Fast forward to freshman year in college and I found myself beginning to write for myself as a form of expression.  Somehow I could get every thought and feeling out when I sat down to write, something I couldn’t do in any other way.  The idea of a blog kind of scares me though because either I have to write things worth reading or will somehow have to tailor my thoughts to suit the public’s desires.  That just isn’t going to happen.  Heidi does what she wants.  J 
Lately I’ve been thinking about people and their interests.  They are so unique to every person and so diverse!  Even in the same family you can get lovers and haters of the same thing.  I grew up in a very opinionated house and I myself like to let everyone know what I do and do not like.  I love pies that have cake batter on the top and I hate those hideous skirts people run in, just FYI.  Anyway, people meet people and soon they come to realize they like different things.  There are two things you can do; first, if they are cute you’ll want to know more about what they like so you can be liked.  Second, you can completely dismiss the idea of ever liking that because you think guys who spend 1000000 hours a week working on cars is lame and pointless.  Here is a small list of things I’ve pretended to ( or actually learned to) like: flutes, baseball, horses, dog training, bottling fruit, makeup,  hunting, politics, star constellations,  SUU, glee, Subaru’s, football, basketball, The Office, strange music, dance,…… on and on.  Yes this is both for girls and boys noting that if it’s for a boy its amplified 10 fold. 
Now I’m wondering, is it a bad thing or a good thing?  Sometimes when I pretend to like something and the friendship ends with that person who brought me to it, I end up hating that thing.  Especially if they break my heart (I don’t listen to much flute music anymore).  Sometimes I actually learn to enjoy what I’ve come to know all about for example my friend Jessie told me I should try cross country… 2 state titles and a few trips to nationals later, I stinkin LOVE it!   All I can say Is, I’m glad life is long. There is plenty of time to figure out if something someone likes really stinks or if its actually worth looking into.  Meeting new people is scary and I don’t like doing it but if you ever want to get married, you’re going to have to branch out your friends to those who are not of your family.  Just saying.  I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping your own interests though.  If someone takes away something you love, simply put, they don’t want you to be happy.  Keep yourself but try new things!! Find new friends and do something you’ve never done before, you might just like it