Friday, August 2, 2013

here's to dedication

Hey heidi, did you forget you had a blog?

I'm pretty sure i was born to be a runner.  funny thing is my parents were both somewhat athletes in their day and they do love exercise but running has always been my thing.  Speed is definitely something you are born with, either you have it or you dont, its that simple. Distance running is completely different. I'm almost convinced that anyone can train their body to run long distances. It really has to do everything with how much pain and fatigue can you handle and are you patient?  A lot of people are not!  Clearly distance running takes time and if you get impatient after a few miles you'll try to pick up the pace and wont be able to finish.  I think I really got into the long distances after high school, I remember getting up to 10 miles but I had nothing to really look forward to, like a race so It went down to about 4 miles a day.  After my accident I really wanted to run a half marathon but it wasn't until April that I decided to sign up for one.  Then started the amazing journey of long runs and being amazingly dedicated. This is when I really started to love love love long runs.  There is something about being out there for 2 hours and giving everything you have until there is nothing left.  Getting over the extreme fatigue makes me feel that much stronger.  I've noticed my body becoming smaller and with long lean muscles. I really like the way it looks and that makes me want to take care of it even more.  One of my most favorite runs of ever was last saturday, it was raining and cool.  I completely lost myself in the run, Its when your mind is easy and your body is on autopilot, good pace and with plenty of hills I was in love.   Maybe a marathon is in my future, I'd like to think I could do that, It takes a crazy amout of time, that is the only negative and gosh I wish it wouldn't snow!  One day i'll live in Oregon and run non-stop all year in my desired weather.
So here's to the early bedtimes on Friday night preparing myself for a long early morning run.
Here's to protein shakes and green drink powder that smells like swamp but is oh so good for you.
Here's to not wanting to move after a workout that completely drains you.
Here's to buying new running shoes all the time because the miles pile up so fast.
Here's to looking good while still eating tons.
here's to my bandanna and sunglasses I cant go without
Here's to sweating.
here's to a strong heart
Here's to dedication
Here's to loveing yourself
Here's to hills
Here's to running